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After Dr. Chiulli or Dr. Bradway has finished the active phase of periodontal treatment (implant placement or periodontal procedures), they will then provide you with a personalized maintenance program keep your teeth and gums healthy. With conscientious home oral care and regularly scheduled maintenance therapy visits and dental cleanings, you will have the best chance of keeping your teeth and gums healthy for your lifetime.
If you do not have a history of periodontal disease, your hygienist will do a regular cleaning at your maintenance visits. This will involve a thorough cleaning with specialized instruments. You will also received home care instructions that are tailored specifically to you.
Your maintenance visits may also include:
- examination of your entire mouth to detect any abnormalities or changes
- measurement of the gum level around your teeth
- discussion about changes to your health history
- assessment of your home care habits
- x-rays to evaluate the bone surrounding your teeth
Scaling and Root Planing ("Deep Cleaning")
If you have a history of periodontal disease, or are showing signs of the initial stages of periodontal disease, you may be a candidate for scaling and root planing. The goal of this non-surgical cleaning is to remove any dental plaque or tartar ("calculus") that is causing irritation and inflammation to the gums. Scaling and root planing can be used to halt the progression of periodontal disease, or as a preventative measure. Research has proven that bacteria from periodontal infections can travel through the blood stream and affect other areas of the body, causing heart and respiratory problems. Keeping your mouth clean is therefore imperative to maintaining good overall health.
When scaling and root planing is performed, calculus and plaque that attaches to the tooth surfaces below the gum line and on the root is removed. A special dental tool called an ultrasonic scaler is used along with manual instruments called scalers or curettes.
A big benefit of periodontal treatment is protecting teeth against tooth loss. When gum pockets are deeper than 3mm, the risk for periodontal disease increases exponentially. As pockets deepen, more bacteria are able to grow, which results in a chronic inflammatory response by the body to destroy gingival and bone tissue, leading to tooth loss. Scaling and root planing may also make the mouth more esthetically pleasing, as superficial stains are removed from the teeth. When performed at regular intervals throughout the year, scaling and root planing can also significantly reduce bad breath.
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