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Congratulations Dr. Chiulli - 2017 President of the Washington State Society of Periodontists

We are proud to announce that Dr. Chiulli is now the President of the Washington State Society of Periodontists! In addition to being available to our patients five days a week, Dr. Chiulli is constantly striving to bring the best techniques and technologies to our patients. Dr. Chiulli has been asked again this year to continue his service as an Affiliate Faculty at the University of Washington. Further, Dr. Chiulli is active within organized dentistry to positively shape the future for our state and our patients. As President of the WSSP, Dr. Chiulli is bringing thought leaders from across the country to Washington State to speak to local dentists and improve patient care. Many of our patients haven noticed, the "pre-existing conditions" clause or the "no 'major' coverage" for the first year clause that have shown up in dental benefit plans even though the Affordable Care Act has eliminated this from medical insurance. Dr. Chiulli is collaborating with other societies, the WSDA, and our legislators on important topics like these negative reductions in insurance coverage for our patients and other issues like prescription drug abuse policy. Most recently, Dr. Chiulli has been asked to testify at the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness regarding these policies on prescription drugs. We are very proud of Dr. Chiulli and his contributions to better dentistry for our patients.

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