Covering Recession WITHOUT Harvesting Tissue From the Roof of Your Mouth...
These before and after photos show one of our patients before and after gingival grafting on their canine tooth. Instead of having two...

Why bone grafting after extraction is important.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH97SffOutE Patients often ask us why bone grafting is important. This is a great video to explain bone...

People with Diabetes twice as likely to lose teeth.
Fly Version: prod-1.11 b1572c5ba538e8fa91a5f1b985d7df48180033c7 (cbsnews prod_alt) People with diabetes twice as likely to lose teeth -...

Is Your Thanksgiving Feast Good for Your Teeth?
StartFragment Turkey The Good: This main course is packed with protein. The Bad: "Turkey can be difficult to eat because it sometimes...

Will you promise to Love, Honor, and Floss?
Your gums will be with you for life - it's time to commit to having a healthy relationship with them today! Get more information about...

Half of adult Americans suffer from periodontal disease
Periodontal (gum) disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss and may be associated with many other chronic diseases such as...

Preventing Peri-Implant Disease
Peri-implant ("around the implant") diseases are inflammatory conditions that affect the soft and hard gum tissues around dental...